Strong Bad's shrine

NOTICE: This page is still underconstruction.

Strong bad is the unapologetic star of Homestar Runner, even getting his own more successful spin-off.
He's the titular character of Strong Bad Email (sometimes spelt SBEmail), a flash series which has been running since 2000, though in recent years emails have been few and far apart. My favoruite SBEmails are #25 the bird, #45 techno, #58 dragon, and #88 couch patch, though I like most SBEs.
Strong started off as the main antagonist of Homestar Runner, basically just acting as the Homestar Runner's biggest bully by constantly mocking or hurting him. Over the years his character has really evolved into something more than just "that mean mexican guy" and into a sort of "cool guy who isn't actually all that cool" type. I really like how they fleshed him out into being his own person and not just a force of relative evil for Homestar to get into small fights with.
In 2008 he got his own game, Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People, a 5 episode long 3D point-and-click adventure, developed by the late TellTale. The 2D flash artstyle translated into 3D really well, better than most in my opinion. I think these games are pretty darn good and if you weren't able to snatch them before they were delisted on Steam you can find them pretty easily on the Internet Archive for free.
Due to being in a Telltale game Strong Bad got the chance to sit at the table during the first Poker Night At The Inventory game, forever changing my brain chemistry.
My personal opinion on Strong Bad is the following: he's a weird little guy and I love him.

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